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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A Cure For The "Selfish" Mom

I now have a picture in my phone that at first glance most people would hit delete thinking it was a mis-take.  I’m keeping it there and will probably, forever.  When YOU look at it, there is darkness and shadows – mostly hazy - abstractly, one might say it is a picture that captured a moment of sadness.  No, not even close.

Last night, like many of the nights before, I got the baby ready for bed, fed him and laid him down for the night…althewhile my 9 year old son was downstairs keeping himself busy without complaint.  Having been exhausted from many nights of interrupted sleep and fighting off a sore throat and impending illness, instead of going back downstairs I laid in bed for about 30 minutes to rest.  I felt selfish.  Thoughts of how I wasn’t paying attention to him, just because he wasn’t complaining, went through my mind.  How it wasn’t really ''fair."  10 minutes in, he came up the steps and asked if I was coming back down…I said no, that I REALLY just needed to rest.  I could tell he was disappointed by the look that appeared on his face for a split second, before it disappeared and he said, “Okay.”  He left me to my solace.

When it was time for him to go to bed, I called down for him to brush his teeth.  He did it without complaint.  He then got changed and laid in bed with a book (like he always does while I take a bath).  I ran the tub, immersed myself in it and took in the warmth.  After about 30 minutes, I pulled the plug and let the water drain.  Dried myself off and looked down the hall, his light had been turned out.  I thought he’d called it a night when I faintly heard, “Mom, wanna come snuggle?”  How could I not?  I held him in my arms knowing this kind of moment doesn’t last forever and probably would be few and far between in years to come.  I snapped a photo with my phone, knowing it wouldn’t come out “perfect,” that didn't matter.  It was a memory, just the same that needed to be captured.


I’ll never forget last night, there will always be this treasure.  It was a nice reminder that even when (to me) it felt like I was being a selfish mom, I wasn’t.  It really is about the collective time, not the singular moments and kids remember that…they really do.

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