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Sunday, February 2, 2014

28 Day Organization/Cleaning Challenge (Day 2 - Pantry)

Okay, I got a little ahead of myself earlier and actually skipped ahead to Day 4's assignment.  Thanks to my co-sponsor, The Family Frontier (, I'm back on track.  Real-life example of how having someone else along for the journey can be helpful and provide sometimes the support you need!

Anyway, onward and upward...

Today's feat is conquering the pantry.  I myself, keep a tidy and organized one.  So before pictures really looked similar to these after ones, with the exception of adding a few more containers.

As you can see,
I am a labeling fool.  It wouldn't be far-fetched for me to go into a panic if I lost my Brother P-touch 1100.

Like other locations in the house, I organize by quadrants.  It really is helpful to keep like items together.  Another thing I do it keep the items like juice boxes, fruit squeezers and breakfast items at a level that our school-ager can reach.  This way if he needs a snack or something to eat, the foods he is allowed are reachable while the cookies, sweets and chips are up top and out of reach.

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