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Friday, February 14, 2014

28 Day Cleaning/Organizing Challenge (Day 13 - School-Agers Closet)

I figured, haven taken the giant leap of faith going head on with the school-ager's drawers that staying in his room and finishing up might be a good idea.  So, the next area in need of organization and cleaning...the closet!

You can see, it isn't pretty.  There's a good foundation, but somewhere around...ah, who am I's a mess in there!!!  Another place that when the door gets shut, I instantly forget that it exists.

I placed the plastic containers with his books (which, were organized earlier in the challenge) in here as well as two with his stuffed animals.  Plastic containers are good wranglers and keep these items from slipping between the wire tines of the shelves.  

To get a handle on the closet's contents, I began by emptying it out.  It seemed that a clean/clear canvas was needed.  While doing that, I started to make piles...this time it was 3: keep, donate and trash.  Once that was done, the "keep" was then separated out further into like items.  School uniforms were put on the lower rack for easier access while other hang-able clothing, up top.  Baseball memorabilia got its own shelf and was neatly displayed while the books and stuffed animals took lower (again, easily accessible) shelves.

Every school year I open a new storage box for all the items collected throughout the year like art projects, etc.  I label the front of each box with the school year and teacher so that we can "look back through the years."  The boxes are alike; however, I realize that through the years their availability might become nil - so, next time I'm at the store, plastic storage containers (12) are on the list for purchase.  (I like clear containers because they are easy to see through, but realize others may dislike them for just that reason.)   
When I was done:

...the harps played.  This was a spot that for months, I wanted to happy it's finally done.

28 Day Cleaning/Organizing Challenge (Day 12 - School-Agers Drawers)

Leaving the condition of your child's drawers in their hands leads to this...

You would think having given him neatly folded piles, they'd magically appear in the bureau without worse for ware. Instead, in opening a few drawers, I found the state of his wardrobe to be less than desirable. Why have folded them in the first place??? I guess this exercise in futility taught me something, you can lead a horse to water, but can't ensure they'd do things the way you would. From now on, I'll leave dusting and making his bed to him while the laundry, (at least folding and putting it away) will remain on my list.

To get things into order, I removed everything and laid it out on his bed. This was a great opportunity to remove anything that has been torn/tattered, outgrown or could be donated aside. Then, I put all similar items together so that when they go back like will be with like. This is another place (like our linen closet) that the way I fold is directly related to how it will fit in the drawers.

Here is how I fold a shirt:

Short Sleeved
Step 1: After shaking out your
shirt, lay it face-down on a
flat surface.
Step 2: Begin by folding
shirt in towards the
middle.  Make crease at
collar opening.

Step 3: Fold back onto
itself the sleeve, lining
it up with the folded edge.
Step 4: Repeat Steps 2
& 3 on the right side.
Step 5: Take bottom
hem and fold up.

Step 6: Flip shirt over.

Do the same for a long sleeved shirt except:

Additional Step: Fold
sleeve down with a mitre.

When I filled the drawers back up there was one for: ankle socks, full socks, underwear/pajamas/white TShirts, shirts (both long and short sleeve), pants and then sports gear.