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Thursday, February 6, 2014

28 Day Cleaning/Organizing Challenge (Day 6 - Medicine Cabinet)

Because I'm always outside of the box, our medicine actually occupies a shelf in the kitchen.  Mind blowing, I know.  Maybe it's the mom in me, but I like being able to see and know when some one's in there and it's location provides me a level of comfort, knowing its high above where little hands can't easily reach.  Another reason, real estate...honestly, I don't think there is anyway I'd be able to cram all this stuff into that little thing above our bathroom sinks, nor is there a way to organize or keep things from falling off those narrow little shelves.

I had a head start, all the items were kept in plastic Ziploc containers (make-shift pull out shelving at its best/would love to buy bigger locking ones - see them in my future).  So I began this task simply by going through all the items and checking expiration dates.  Some of the items were close enough and I had duplicates, they got trashed.  I found a few more plastic cups like the green one in the above-picture and used them to hold small like items together.  Then I began to quadrant things.  Here are the four I came up with that suit our needs:

Wound Care/Grooming; Sunscreen/Bug Spray; Over the Counter and Vitamins.

In doing this task, I also realized that we need peroxide the next time we go food shopping and that one of the thermometers needs a new battery.  A more regular check through of these items is probably necessary, I'm thinking every 4 months or so...we don't always use the medicines before they should be de-shelved and SOMEONE doesn't always tell me when we need replenishing...I won't name names, but I'm sure you can imagine.