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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

28 Day Cleaning/Organizing Challenge (Day 5 - Under Kitchen Sink)

So I tackled under the kitchen sink...

We have a little one crawling around the house and opening cabinets. Because of this, most of the cleaning products that ordinarily would have keen kept here, have been relocated to the shelf that runs down the basement stairwell wall.  I took this opportunity to straighten that area out as well - almost like it's the ANNEX.  Over the years, I have found certain cleaning products that work best for me and we pretty much stick to those.  When they go on sale or run out, I either stock up or buy what is needed.  I like to keep like items together (quadrants again).  Most of the wood cleaning products are shelved together, like the bathroom cleaning ones and multipurpose...makes it easier for me to find things when they are needed.  As you can see, my rags are white (so they can be sanitized and bleached free of germs when necessary.)

Back to under the ACTUAL kitchen sink.
It was very cluttered and somewhat unorganized.  I did have my storage bags and  aluminum foil, etc. in magazine storage bins and you will see in the after photos that that stayed the same.  As for the extra storage bins and other items, I constructed a small shelf (made from plywood and curtain dowel) to give an additional level for stacking things towards the space that sits back in the corner and isn't easily accessible.  I made sure to wipe out the bottom of the cabinet because its not been done in quite sometime and culled out a few items that we really have no use for anymore.  Then I put things back in and as you can see this was the end result:

I can't believe there is actually empty space in there!!!

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